Archives, lists, reference, humor, zine information  and other resources of possible interest to TOS fic fans.

Assorted Interest

Specialty Interest

Multi-media Fan Tributes K/S Printzines

Gen & Het collections Just For Fun

This is not a comprehensive list.  A large percentage of the links here are K/S related; the rest are Trekfiction that struck a chord with me for one reason or another.  This list is heavily weighted with both TOS and slash.  Many pages contain adult content including possibly homoerotic images.
  • A. Kite: quirky and angsty multiseries ficlets, including K/Sy ones like Speaking of the Dead.
  • Acidqueen:   Multiseries fanworks in an eclectic mix of slash and het pairings.  Most of it is dark, intense, kinky and frequently pressing the comfort zone.  I think my favorite is still End of Youth for its psychological insight and edgy erotica that works.  Her site is also a treasure trove of links to kink, McCoy fiction,  Trek fics with strong women, and contains her own art and vids.
  • Angel: Spock/McCoy, including the lovely Irish AU folk tale, Turning the Wheel
  • Arachnethe2:  K/S that sings a beautiful ache from every page.  Sometimes they end happily like Rhapsody in the Rain, sometimes not so much so like ...But the Memories Remain that is K/S with a Spock/Picard pairing.  It is even more remarkable when one realizes she is writing in a second language.
  • C.N. Decarnin: Intreat Me Not to Leave Thee K/S in a D/s relationship with Spock as the Dom.  Based on pre-reform Vulcan culture. OC subplot.  Lengthy, but left as a WIP.
  • Cait N.:  Multiseries shorts, usually lighthearted, with a terrific grasp of the characters
  • Cim & K'Sal  K/S including cimorene's acclaimed Unintended and K'Sal's very clever The Incident Report and In Check.
  • Clair Gabriel:  K&S classics Simple Gifts and The Porcelain Twilight
  • Debbie B.:  Her website contains older fics often centered around Christine Chapel including the hilarious Spock&Christine: Behind the Uniform.  Don't like S/Ch?  That's okay; read it anyway!  My favorite, the Chapel/Rand short Rightness is not there but in her livejournal with other more recent fics.
  • Deanna:  Several K/S fics including the very hot Furballs.
  • Diegina:  K/S in Czech, both her own stories and vids as well as some translations of English shorts with authors' permission. Also several K/S stories in English.
  • Djinn:  Djinn has graced us with a staggering amount of professional quality writing and is one of the handful of authors I will drop anything for--even work--to read something new the moment it is posted.  Most of her Trek writing is heavily Kirkcentric including a startlingly convincing and exquisitely written set of Kirk/Chapel--and even K/S/Chapel stories.  Being a K/Ser at the core, I bend toward Like We Never Had a Broken Heart, but  the lighthearted Man and Man and Wife is a work of pure genius that not only reminds me of why I loved TOS so much, but astounds me at how a gifted writer can make a vision come to life.
  • Dreadnought:  K/S stories in some classic scenarios like Forget Me Not.  I like the wistfulness of Nothing More Than...
  • Erika's Kirk/Spock Slash Blog.  Her vids as well as links chat
  • Elizabeth Helena:  Mostly DS9 and Garek heavy, mostly dark &/or heavy kink, but I enjoyed the humorous DS9 fic (though the title doesn't sound like it), Chakotay's Secret Passion.
  • Farfalla:  A prolific producer of K/S shorts in assorted styles...but always with happy endings.   She also has a variety of other TOS and TNG stories, my favorite being The Copper Mouse, an intriguing look into Droxine and Vanna from The Cloudminders.  Her site also contains screencaps and other K/Sy fun.
  • Elise Madrid:  Many of her meaty K/S zine stories are now online
  • Fizzbin: K/S shorts  as well as some silliness like the post-Plomeek Swabbie's Rant.
  • Gayle Rochefort-Potts: Archives of the Lost Tomes Vulcan oriented fiction, mostly het. Try the multi-part Circle of Time series wherein the (female) Romulan Commander reappears
  • Gloria Fry:  Classic K&S from zines including the edgy Slave World.
  • Greywolf:   Unrestrained angst pain and pon farr with Kirk/Spock and McCoy including the Operation Annihilate first time K/S fic, In the Darkness Bind You.
  • Gumnut:  Angsty non-explicit K/S ficlets like The Empty Chessboard
  • Hafital:  Emotionally intense K/S that is beautifully written including the short and unconsummated Neutral Territory and the post-nexus The Siren's Call.
  • Hypatia Kosh:  K/S as well as other TOS and TNG short fics including a good bit of K/S D/s kink.  My favorite might be the angsty PG short Embers--or maybe the happier The Morning After.
  • IDIC:  Adult Kirk/Uhura fiction that is well done and hot enough to blister your monitor. An old Geocites site may still be available or via wayback. 
  • Islaofhope: Kirk and Spock slash and het including her series of K/S stories where they raise Spock's son together.  Having a bent for angst, I quite liked Climbing Mt. Sileya, but don't look there for a happy ending. Homepage is down; the links go to Waybacked versions.
  • Istannor:   Several nice K/S works including a series of shorts written from multiple points of view, which come together to tell of the Gol years   Oddly, I think my favorite is the gen angsty piece, A Man of His Word.   Go figure.
  • Jane Carnell: Many of her zine fics are online, usually S/Mc focused like the S/Mc/Zarabeth alternate history Yesterday.
  • Jane St. Claire:  Haunting K/S in a lovely and unique voice.  Wednesday Morning: 3am is hot, but At My Most Beautiful is poignant and possibly my favorite, despite being G rated.
  • Jat Sapphire:  TOS slash and some het including some hot K/S like Still Amok or even the short and PG rated Diversity Training.
  • Jazzman:  Mostly Spock/McCoy and gen.  Check back soon for Damaged Goods with some insight into McCoy's background.
  • Jesmihr:  All K/S, all the time.  Much exhibits her quirky yet brilliant sense of humor such as Double Bubble.  My favorite is probably Origin of Fire, which is more classic emotional drama with several levels of meaning.  For those who can't decide, there is the short or The Game which showcases both to perfection, or the longer story The Berries.
  • John O'Conner:  Trek femmeslash including a VOYxGilligan's Island crossover, When Worlds Collide.
  • Judy Gran:  A K/S on the web forerunner including the classic Terminus, but don't miss the hilarious  Public Offerings with Kirk/Seven of Nine
  • J.Juls:  Clever and usually very funny TNG fiction as well as an enormous collection of online Datafics linked through her page.  Being a TOSer, I liked Encounter, the story of K/S/Mc as told by McCoy to Data.  Also on her page is the co-dependent Bert/Ernie (yes, Sesame Street slash!) fic that causes me to rupture an internal organ every time I think of it.  I'm rapidly running out of organs.
  • Jungle Kitty:  Some humor, some heavy drama, but all Kirkcentric and well written.  Being a K/Ser at heart, I love the Uneasy Dancers for it's painful probability.  Of course her claim to fame is the OFC--Capt. Brandt-- she has created to be worthy of Kirk and the captivating stories woven around them.  Her page also links to her Kirk fan podcast, Look at His Butt.  The list of K/S cliches is not to be missed by anyone who reads the genre.
  • K1 of 7: The creator of the interspecies adapter as featured in I Was JT's Love Slave.
  • Kaki:  K/S and other TOS smut including A Printfan's Nightmare, credited with inciting Tuppertrek online.
  • Karmen Ghia:  Including After the Rescue as well as many Chekovcentric stories.
  • Ketsu Rei:  A couple K/S stories including the romantic Moonlight and Roses.
  • Kelthammer:  Many of her McCoy centric prinzine fics are now up at Trek Tales.  Empathy is a lovely read.
  • K'Chaps:  Kinky stories of satisfying length including S/Mc and K/S.  Wounds that Bind is post TMP K/S that works for me
  • Killa:  Although famous for Turning Point and Full Circle, those are not my favorites of her K/S.  I prefer Cover of Night and Surrender and even What the Heart Remembers as they combine a surprisingly deep understanding of behavioral psychology with steamy erotica so flawlessly executed that it seems the most natural thing in the world.   Bitter Glass--which fleshes out the unrecorded years of the TOS timeline and reads equally well as gen K&S or unconsummated K/S depending upon the readers bent--is my personal ideal of fanfic at its finest.   Every time I reread it, I can only bow more reverently.  
  • kira-nerys:   Kira's own fiction is housed on her enormous slash site.  My favorite is Light After Darkness , which, oddly, is a K/S themed story with a Spock/Data pairing.  Be sure to check out the rest of her site.  Among other things it contains a great Trek rec page with some orphaned stories like da'Niikhirch, large K/S archives and many other slash fandoms as well
  • Kraith Collected: The printzine stories gathered.  Includes a history of the creation and dispersion of the universe.
  • K.V. Wylie: The PG-13 The Secrets of Pinecones is probably my favorite, but the R-rated and appropriately named The Sensual World is a close second.  So are the very adult fics Priapism and The Realm of You.  Also, don't pass up her excellent if disturbing pon farr series beginning with They Sent a Vulcan.
  • Laura J. Valentine:  She is insane--positively insane.  Includes K/S, S/Mc, S/Chekov and don't forget her Locked Room of Shame for even more insanity.
  • Liz Ellington: K/S and many variations thereupon including The Last Straw
  • Lori Paige's Sarpeidon Chronicles online!
  • Macedon/Peg Robinson:  Talking Stick/Circle compiled!  Yes, it is Voyager.  No, it has nothing to do with TOS, except that it was in a real way at the foundation of all serious Trek fiction online as well as being a brilliant and creative read. 
  • Miss Sunbeam:  TNG, K/S and more including very edgy K/S erotica with themes like necrophilia.
  • Mrs Spock:  G Rated K&S friendship stories, usually sweet, sometimes intense, sometimes AU like her daycare stories.  I think my overall favorite is Cherry Blossoms.  Her site is also a fun playground for Spock and/or Nimoy fans, and her art--including the collection of journal icons and wallpapers--is not to be missed.
  • Nadja Lee: An index to her K/S zine stories
  • Nemo, the Everbeing:  Spock/McCoy including the fun and brilliant Impromptu Bondmates. Don't let the addy scare you off.  These f-ing rock!  My favorite might be the apocalyptic AU tale, Blue
  • Nesjabi:  K&S friendship shorts like At His Side.
  • Nikita:  Intense Spock/McCoy including Fallen Walls.  Sniffle.
  • Pat Foley:  Sarek/Amanda & Spock heavy gen fic with a fully fleshed out Vulcan culture that is a treat to lose one's self in.  Holography may be the best example.
  • Penknife:  Angsty K/S centered around a torn Spock in a wonderful  combination of intensity with restraint. Inferno is a good example.
  • Penumbra:  Did not write nearly enough Trek for my way of thinking, but what she has done is spectacular, especially her Garek.  The G/B adventure A Dark Stone for a Heart is my favorite.  She also has several excellent DS9 drabbles buried in the ASCEM archives.  I should dig them out one day.
  • Pinetrees:  Kirkcentric genfic, mostly humorous, always well done.  Try Queer Eye for the Straight Captain.
  • Robin
  • Rae Trail:  K/S fics of a satisfying length.  I liked Out of the Big Black, the first in a series featuring a younger Kirk and a middle aged Spock as well as the disturbing, but very well done short, The Row.
  • Raku:  Great use of the internet potential with the hypertext choose your own adventure style Learning Curve.
  • Ree'Sha:  K/S with an emphasis on things Vulcan
  • Richard Shultz:  Multiseries Trek femmeslash in a staggering variety of voices and tomes, each as well done as the next.  He has a penchant for both bawdy and lighthearted f/f as well as AU "uberfiction" transposing familiar characters into other dramatic settings.  Still, my favorite is the post TNGxVOY tale of Seven's recovery, The Flax Seed.  Even if you don't usually do f/f, please try it.  It is non-explicit and a work of art. 
  • Robin Lawrie's Rude Star Trek Stories:  Short, but densely packed with kink
  • Rolletti's Trek Fan Fic:  Heavy on Spock/Uhura
  • Rosemary: Bed of Silence from the K/S zine Out of Bounds I
  • Sara:  Sweet K/S including the very hot vignette Mind Touch.
  • Savaant:  Clever Spockcentric fic including the humorous yet still erotic Holding Hands.
  • Scarlet:  One word:  TOS does Casablanca.  Okay, that's more than one word, but read the S/Mcy  As Time Goes By anyway.
  • Starshadow:  all K/S all the time
  • Stelenan:  Long, romantic first time K/S stories in German (User: Spitzohr, Password: thyla)
  • Ster Julie:  Non-explicit fics and ficlets featuring most of the TOS cast. Her After the Credits series of shorts examines the emotional impact of the events seen onscreen.  A goodly amount of Spock/McCoy is up as well. 
  • Syn Ferguson:  Several shorter K/S works by the author of Courts of Honor,  including Freedom is Standing in the Light, one of the most perfectly executed short stories I have read anywhere about anything.
  • Taylor Dancinghands:  her touching Picard/Data story,  Debriefing--lives here as well as some TOS including the K/S Obsidian & Gold.
  • T'Guess: Spockcentric fic, some K/S, some S/f, always heavy and intense with many mirror universe themes.  Quench Thy Thirst might be my favorite.  Her K/S photomanipulations are among the most touching anywhere, and also check out her K/S vids including Desert Rose.  Her site also houses a wonderful collection of links of interest to Trek erotica writers. 
  • Titc:  A K/S author with a bent for pon farr fic like Together, her page also has an impressive collection of links and a lot of fun with screencaps, especially those with Kirk.
  • T'Len & Lady Charena: Lots and lots of TOS shorts in English and German. What We Do for Love is heartbreaking.  And while TupperTrek isn't my thing, there is a considerable collection here, lids and all, for those who have been looking...  Also hosts other German TOS authors. 
  • The TOS Hypertext Round Robin:  Huge!  Choose your own adventure slash.
  • T' Pat:  K/S.  Where the Dreams is a good place to start.
  • T'Riva: T'Riva's Sarek Sanctum including her fanfiction and lots of Sarek links
  • T'sihek: K/S and  S/Mc in German and English
  • T'Thrill:  Multipairing TOS slash in a long and rewarding narrative style like Precious Pearls as well as some intense stand-alones like The Cave of K'ri'lior.
  • UKJess:  K/S and gen, both classics and some new pieces
  • Vanasati:  K/S including Hours of Freedom, a double amnesia zine story now in print.
  • Varoneeka: Mostly PQ, but a hot K/S pair, Wanting and Having.
  • Ventura 33:  Shorts covering all of the Trek series in a variety of styles. For humor, I suppose my favorite is the utterly irreverent Gene Roddenberry's Ashes.  Overall I think the serious VOY gen piece, A Healer's Hands, may be her best.
  • Virg & Fort: Only one K/S story, Snow, which is bittersweet but beautiful.   Any tears shed should be of joy.
  • Virgina Sky: A multimedia site of Kirk/Spock poetry, fiction, vids, and lovely computer generated (often explicit) art.  
  • Wildcat:  A very well done telling of a Spock/Uhura universe and a goodly amount of K/S here as well like The Last Stand or the sad Lost Words.